Maybe you're wondering: why exactly do I need advanced education to secure a meaningful career?
After all, what about Zuckerberg? Gates? Jobs? None of these incredibly successful startup giants even finished college.
It's smart to question how and why to advance your education. That said, research shows that professionals with an undergraduate degree enter the workforce much more marketable and competitive than those who do not hold a bachelor’s degree.
You don't have to disrupt your life to go back to school. Access Neumann University's Guide to Going Back to College as an Adult to learn more about our flexible program options that will help elevate your career.
What is a degree completion program? What is the value of earning a bachelor's degree? Will going back to school actually transform my career?
With Neumann University's Degree Completion Guide, we will answer all of your questions related to going back to college to finish your four-year degree — download the guide today!
Public Safety Administration — A Go-To Guide for Adult Learners Passionate About Public Service is a must-read for non-traditional students who are considering going back to college to finish a four-year degree in the field of public safety administration.
Business and Organizational Studies — A Guide to Neumann University's Accelerated Business Degree outlines important information for aspiring business leaders who are looking to advance their skills and ultimately, their career with a bachelor’s degree.
Dr. Jim Houck, a professor in Neumann University's Master’s in Pastoral Clinical Mental Health program, gives some mental health tips to help you with the current COVID-19 pandemic.
Sister Marguerite O'Beirne, Vice President for Mission & Ministry, offers a brief reflection on the value of reverence during the pandemic crisis.
Athletic Training and Health Science professor at Neumann University, Kathleen Swanik, Ph.D., gives some quick tips to stay healthy and fit while stuck at home.
Sister Patricia Hutchison, Director of the Neumann Institute for Franciscan Studies, reflects on the value of integrity.
Jackie Martin, Senior Academic Advisor at Neumann University, shares her thoughts on how service can play out differently throughout our lifetime.
Episode 6 - RISES: Achieving Excellence
Director of Neumann Institute for Franciscan Studies, Sister Patricia Hutchinson, discusses how Neumann University defines excellence in three ways.
Susan Long, Neumann's Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness worker and Writing Center tutor, outlines how we need stewardship now more than ever.
Preeti Singh, Director of Career and Personal Development at Neumann Univeristy, gives some tips when searching for career options during the current pandemic.
Bridget Zell from Sun East Federal Credit Union, Neumann's community partner, offers some tips and advice for financial planning during a crisis.